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Attorneys Seeking Custody Solutions – Not Battles

Last updated on February 9, 2024

Child custody is often the most stressful aspect of any divorce. While most of us may be willing to compromise when it comes to money or property, we are not willing to let go of time with our children. As such, otherwise successful negotiations can break down over custody and visitation disputes.

For these reasons and more, it is beneficial to work with a lawyer who can flexibly adapt to the circumstances as they change and develop. At Lydon Law, we start with the premise that an agreement can be reached through negotiation and that this is preferable. We are fully prepared to take your case to court if your co-parent refuses to negotiate in good faith.

What Is Best For The Children?

In both New Hampshire and Massachusetts, courts are required to make child custody decisions guided only by the best interests of the child or children. What that means in any given case is not always clear. But increasingly, courts are seeking to keep both parents actively involved in their children’s lives after divorce, even if time with each parent is not allocated equally.

In many cases, parents can reach an agreement on their own, resulting in a custody arrangement that works well and avoids exposing the children to the conflict. But if you have a compelling reason to seek sole or primary custody and feel that your spouse will not cooperate, litigation may be necessary. Our experienced attorneys will fervently advocate for you and your kids to ensure that the court fully understands the unique dynamics of your family situation.

Representation In Custody-Related Matters

Our attorneys are also ready to represent you in other matters related to your children and to custody, including:

  • Modification of custody orders
  • Parental relocation (move-away cases)
  • Child support
  • Enforcement of court orders
  • Concerns about domestic violence

How Can Our Firm Help You?

With offices in Portsmouth and Nashua, Lydon Law proudly serves clients throughout New Hampshire and Massachusetts. To get started, fill out our online contact form or call us at 603-882-3344.