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Estate Planning

Last updated on February 9, 2024

Most people don’t want to think about estate planning. It feels like an end. It isn’t.  

Good estate plans put you in control of your life. They protect your assets and honor your wishes. Creating trust funds for the benefit of loved ones or a simple expression of how you want to pass on your property. You will have peace of mind knowing that you have thoughtfully made your decisions. Your loved ones will be grateful. Grief is overwhelming. Your loved ones will want to do what you wanted—estate plans provide that guidance.  

Estate plans include other important documents, such as a health care power of attorney and a nomination of guardian forms. We are blessed to live in a time of science and ground-breaking medicine. People are living long lives. Long lives are complicated ones. Sometimes those complications include accidents or illness where you are unable to make decisions for yourself. Through your estate plan, you can decide today who is going to make those decisions when you cannot.